Responsible Asset Owners Global Symposia
Insights & Releases
We occasionally post information pertaining to responsible investing, be sure to read our archive of posts below.
Do Mega Pension Funds = Mega returns?
Important Note: The success of this initiative will depend on various factors, including the regulatory framework, the expertise of fund managers, and the overall economic climate.
Shifting Sands: FRC Stewardship Code Revision and the Pursuit of Growth
The future of stewardship in the UK depends on a collaborative approach between investors, regulators, and policymakers to create a framework that fosters both economic prosperity and long-term sustainability.
US Election, Climate-Ready, Panel, Regulation & Secret Santa
The message from ESMA is clear: get your house in order. Align sustainability and financial statements and be ready for heightened scrutiny from the regulator.
Mesh Drains: A Simple Solution to a Complex Problem?
Answers in comments section please @ThamesWater @AnglianWater @NorthumbrianWater @SevernTrent @SouthernWater @SouthWestWater @UnitedUtilities @WelshWater @WessexWater @YorkshireWater
Leadership's Legacy: Shaping Brands, Businesses & Politics
In an atmosphere of heightened political tension globally, we take a look at the profound effects of good and bad leadership.
Apple's $1.5 Billion Investment in Globalstar
This partnership has the potential to reshape the telecommunications industry and usher in a new era of mobile communication.
COP16, Nomad, Power, Philanthropy & TIME 500
With standardised reporting requirements, data across industries will be more consistent, enabling fairer comparisons and giving stakeholders a clearer view of sustainability efforts on a level playing field.
Bank bites back!
The legal implications of the JPMorgan Chase lawsuits are still unfolding. The outcome of these cases could have significant implications for the future of online banking and consumer protection.
The countdown is on! #RAOEurope24
Innovation, Collaboration & Leadership - Join the conversation! Book tickets here
The David and Goliath Battles That Rocked the Tech World
The Harrisses' case has shown us that, with courage and determination, we can hold corporations accountable and shape a future where our privacy is respected.
Photo by Arthur Osipyan on Unsplash
Weekly Impact Investing roundup from RAO Global
These stories demonstrate what a dynamic and rapidly evolving field impact investing is. Who's leading the way?
Green Power Calling: UK and EU Energy Giants Push for Post-Brexit North Sea Collaboration
This push for collaboration signifies a positive step towards a united front against climate change.
Photo by Shifaaz Shamoon
Sustainability Investing: A Week in Review October 14th, 2024
A roundup of developments in Sustainable Investing
Building Back Britain: A Roadmap for Productivity Growth
By actively supporting 5 key areas of growth, pension fund owners, asset managers, and advisors can play a crucial role in driving economic prosperity and enhancing the long-term sustainability of the UK economy.
Mandating Pension Investments in Britain: A Controversial Proposal AND forgiving tax to young people?
It remains to be seen whether the government will proceed with this policy or explore alternative approaches to encourage domestic investment while at the same time 'forgiving' young people paying tax for the initial 1 - 2 years employment.
Microsoft's Controversial Choice: A Nuclear Site for AI Power
Photo by BoliviaInteligente on Unsplash
Apollo Global Management Sets Ambitious Growth Targets
"To achieve our ambitious growth targets, we will need to collaborate with a wide range of partners, including governments, businesses, and other investors." says CEO Mark Rowan. Get set, ready, goooooo........
The Great ESG Shift: Governance Emerges as the New Focus
Governance & ESG commitment at odds? Or at a crossroads? Which way next? Join the conversation #RAOEurope24
Collaboration & commitment at it’s core
Local councils can support small projects below the UKIB's £5 million transaction minimum by packaging them in an overall programme of work.
Nest's Commitment to Transparent Domestic Investments
Nest has set an ambitious target of having more than $26 billion invested in the UK by 2030. But the devil is in the detail of how and where.
Photo by Nils Söderma