Dr Victoria Barbary


Dr Victoria Barbary
Director of Strategy & Communications

Victoria Barbary is director of strategy and communications at the International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds (IFSWF). At IFSWF, Victoria curates the knowledge sharing programme of online and in-person events for members covering a wide range of topics from investment practice, legal issues and operations, as well as leading the Forum’s research programme.

Prior to joining IFSWF in September 2016, Victoria was the director of Investec Asset Management’s Investment Institute, the firm's strategic insights and thought leadership platform, where she was responsible for producing, commissioning and delivering cutting-edge online analysis on long-term and sustainable investment for the firm's clients.

Victoria has been working with and researching sovereign wealth funds for over a decade and is considered a leading expert. In 2012, she founded the Sovereign Wealth Center for Institutional Investor, an online platform to provide accurate data and information on sovereign wealth funds. Victoria was previously the senior analyst in the office of the chairman at Monitor Group, a leading international consulting firm. From 2007, she led the company's research programme on sovereign funds. At Monitor, she also headed the emerging markets research team, producing material on a wide range of economic, investment and development issues in the Middle East and North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.

Victoria holds a PhD in history from the University of Cambridge, a masters with distinction and BA (Hons) in history from the University of Durham. She was previously a senior researcher at the Sovereign Investment Lab, based at the Paolo Baffi Centre on Central Banking and Financial Regulation at Bocconi University in Milan.


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